Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cancellation Deals

If you decide to take a last minute fun in the sun get-a-way (or any other get-a-way to a popular vacation spot), be sure to check on cancellation specials, in area condo's and resorts.

You can often find deals at only a fraction of the regular cost, and usually even cheaper than getting a hotel.

After all, when someone cancels a vacation rental, the company who manages the rentals would much rather give a deal to someone else, vs. have the unit empty.


Pumpkins are another crop that easy to grow, but be warned that you do need a little room for this one to grow properly. You can buy pumpkin seeds, especially if you want to right kind for making pumpkin pie. If you're worried about making pumpkins for Halloween decorations you can just save the seeds from this year's jack-o-lanterns and plant them next year. Don't forget to place hay under each pumpkin as it gets bigger to prevent the underside from discoloring (and in some cases rotting).

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Have Fun

Don't get too obsessed in the saving money deal. I'm not telling you to be a big spender, I'm just telling you to have fun doing whatever you're doing. If you find yourself with a grumpy outlook, take a step back.

Spend some quality time with your family and friends. Have a barbecue, cook-out, campfire, or whatever will bring you together to have some fun!

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Home Based Business

The ultimate way to save gas is to work at home! Have access to a computer hooked to the internet? It's all you need to get started. The wife is working on several home-based businesses which have provided us with a steady, well-needed income!

We'll post the ideas that require little or no investment to get started.

Bonfire/Campfire it

In our area of Louisiana, most holidays are celebrated by lighting bonfires. These bonfires can get pretty elaborate and a multitude of families usually work together to build one. You don't have to go with a full blown bonfire, of course, and can make do with a campfire. Invite family, neighbors, friends, strangers, and get out the marshmallows. Sing songs, tell stories, it's a great way to have fun and socialize.

Click here to read about our beautiful Christmas Eve Bonfire History! =)

The Public Park/Playground

Don't forget that most towns have a public park or playground for your kids to have some great outdoor fun in. Around here we have the Airbase which is a hilly area that is great for picnicking and running around. If your as lucky as we are, you'll find plenty of trees to climb!

The Night Sky

How often we forget the wonders of nature. Take the family out one winter evening (summer works too, just don't forget the bug repellent). Show your family the basic constellations and enjoy a view of the wide open night sky. You don't need a telescope to do this or any other expensive equipment.

For added fun, check out the dates of the yearly meteor showers and see who can spot the most!

If you don't know the constellations and want to learn more basic astronomy, check here: Find the Constellations.


A great way to have fun and teach your children the value of helping others is to volunteer. Find a program that helps others and join in the helping along with your family. Some great programs include Habitat for Humanity, neighborhood cleaning programs, manning a soup kitchen, Animal Shelters, etc...

If you are in the Houma, Louisiana area, we recommend contacting Cajun Catopia to volunteer in one of their programs. or email:

Camping Out

Take the family on an old fashioned camping trip. Once you get the initial investment of a tent and some sleeping bags out of the way, camping is a good, cheap, and fun activity to share. Our family loves camping out. The main things to remember is to build a nice campfire (sing some campfire songs or tell some old-fashioned ghost stories), bring easy to cook food (hot dog buns and hot dogs), and check the weather reports.

Also, remember to have a good first aid kit with you. When you're picking up your tent remember to let it dry out before putting it away to prevent mildew.

For the best family camping 101 guide you will ever find, click HERE!

Plug it in, Plug it in

Here's a neat energy saving tip. Plug in all your entertainment devices into power strips. When you're not using them you can just flip a switch on the power strip to ensure that your television, VCR, DvD, etc... all turn off at the same time to save the maximum amount of energy.

Check your Insulation

Check the insulation levels in your house. Check the attic, walls, floor, etc. If they are not up to standard consider having them improved. Insulation is one of the most common ways of ensuring that your house stays cool in the summer and warm in the winter, saving you money all year long on lower energy bills.

Watch your Thermostat

Set your thermostat comfortably low in the Summer and comfortably high in the Winter. In other words, don't overdo it. The suggested setting that we've all heard before is 72 degrees.

Another important tool is to get a compatible, programmable thermostat that is compatible with your heating and cooling system.

Here is a great one for a great price as well! Lux Products Smart Temp Programmable Thermostat TX1500

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Check for Leaks

A common form of energy loss is through holes/cracks in your house that let cooler air out in the summer and warm air out in the winter. Do a check of your windows and doors for cracks or holes where air can escape. Don't forget to check your ceiling, floor, light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, and wall outlets for holes or cracks either. If discovered, visit a home supply store nearby and ask for help on what to do to repair them.

Recycle Parts

When you are getting rid of an old computer and replacing it with a new one become a scavenger. Pull out the old hard drive, memory, and CD ROM drives from the old computer before discarding it. If you are getting a new monitor, save your old one.

Of course, store your old mouse and keyboard also. That way if a spill occurs on your new keyboard you can just use your old, spare one until you can get a replacement. Scavenging has saved the wife and I a lot of money.

For other computer tips check here.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Alternative Sources of Fabric

Fabric for sewing clothing is expensive when bought. Your best bets for finding sources of fabric to make clothing is to check thrift stores (they sometimes have rolls) or even to use old sheets for sources of cloth. Remember, keep an eye open and you'll be surprised at the bargains you can pick up.

For other ideas for the budding seamstress, check here.

Simple Hand Warmers

Cold weather camping? Here's a simple trick for making simple hand warmers. Stick your hands in a pair of light socks and mark where your fingertips are. Take a scissors and cut holes out there. You can now wear them on your hands as cheap hand warmers. Next time you need to tie your shoes in the snow, simply remove your pair of gloves with these on and you don't have to completely expose your hands to get the dexterity you need.

Fun With Crayons

Ah, crayons. You can buy these for very little especially in these back to school sales. But what can you do that is different?

Try some crayon etchings. Scribble a black crayon all over a sheet of paper then scrape the wax off to create scary pictures! This is great for spooky times such as Halloween.

Have the kids cover the paper in a bunch of different colors. Take this multi-colored rainbow and then cover this all with black crayon. Do the same as above and scratch out some pictures. This will have a rainbow effect you have to see to appreciate!

For coloring and arts and crafts ideas check here.

Sharpen and Clean Scissors

To sharpen scissors cheaply, get a glass bottle. Insert the cutting edge of the scissors into the neck of the bottle. Open and close the scissors like you're cutting with them. This will sharpen them!

Also, to clean scissors just grab a bottle of fingernail polish remover. Works wonders!

Treating a Cut or Abrasion

Vinegar is a natural astringent that can be used to treat cuts. It will help cleanse the cut as well as help the healing process. Do NOT apply vinegar directly to a cut or wound unless you want the person this is being done to give you a few cuts or abrasions. The vinegar should be diluted by added one part vinegar to three parts warm water. Apply this to the wound. It will sting a little but is a great, cheap cleanser!

For some other uses for vinegar, try here The Healing Powers of Vinegar, Revised and Updated.

Back to Cloth Diapers

Remember, disposable diapers are expensive. One of the things a lot of our frugal friends are doing is returning to cloth diapers. These save you money in the long run but require a bit of daily washing to keep them clean.

Get a small diaper pail with a lid, fill it half way with a solution of water, bleach, and Dreft detergent. After each diaper change add the cloth diaper into the solution. That way, the diapers are sanitized until you can wash them next time (it cuts down on odors as well). That's a tip from the wife.

For other baby care tips, check here.

Easing Menstrual Cramps

It's said that an old-fashioned cure for menstrual cramps is to take a couple of tablespoons of thyme and to boil it in about 2 cups of water. Take this tea mixture and sweeten it naturally with some honey. Drink this and your cramps should disappear in a little while.

Cheap, Easy Yarn Storage

Cats getting to your yarn? Cut the top off of an old two liter cola bottle (be sure to wash and dry well first). Slip the skein of yarn into the bottom of the bottle and thread the yarn through the neck of the bottle. Once done, tape the bottle back together and pull out the yarn as needed. Cheap, easy protection!

Recycle Household Items into Art

Look around at all the things you throw away that can be converted to some cheap art projects. Make some bunnies using the old egg cartons plus pipe cleaners. Use some old toilet paper rolls and convent them into musical instruments using tape and some dried beans! Be creative and you'd be amazed at the stuff your kids can convert to art that would otherwise just be thrown away.

For some other great arts and crafts ideas, check here

Make your Costumes, Don't Buy

Pre-made Halloween costumes are an expense you can do without. Look around in your closets and be creative with your own existing supplies. I made a costume with a black pillowcase (cut two eyeholes), an old graduation gown, and a cardboard axe that actually won a costume contest.

Of course, if you're in a hurry, you can grab an old white sheet, cut you two eyeholes and go as a ghost!

Home-made Modeling Clay

Here is a simple, cheap recipe for modeling clay. Your kids can have hours of fun with this.

2-1/2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 cup water

Mix all the ingredients together and store inside the fridge in an airtight container when not using.

Making Your Own Healthier Soda

Purchase 2-liter bottles of soda water, which is carbonated without the sugar. Buy your favorite type of the half gallon Juicy Juice or other 100% fruit juices. Take these and mix them together in equal ratios (50-50). The result is a "healthy" soda that tastes great but has much less unhealthy added sugar of regular soft drinks.