Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hurricane Gustav

Just a note to let our readers know, we are located directly in the current path of Hurricane Gustav.

Our area is under a mandatory evacuation, therefore the move from this website location to our new website location ( will not resume until we return and power/cable is restored.

Thank you.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Move almost complete!

Our move to (and the new server) is almost complete!

Head on over there and check it out! Please feel free to post a comment to let us know what you think of our new format, what new articles and tips you would like to see, or even add some of your own tips on saving money on anything and everything you use and buy.

Looking forward to seeing you soon, at our new location:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We are MOVING! =)

Thrift-opedia is MOVING to

Please be patient with us during this transition!

New content will be added as soon as the new server is set up.

Until then, please feel free to browse all of our current articles.


Friday, August 15, 2008

SolCool Solar Powered Air Conditioner

Here is an idea that just seems to make sense. Using the sun to generate the electricity to cool you down during the hottest part of the day. This technology is emerging slowly but I believe we will see more and more of this type as the energy crunch grows. The SolCool Solar Powered A/C uses solar panels to directly power the unit. It can also purify drinking water (a little bonus there). It contains a battery back-up for nighttime and can be plugged in normally if all else fails.

Get into Gardening

To become self sufficient one must plant a garden. The easiest way to do this is to simply grab a shovel, a hoe, some seeds and a hose. Make some rows yourself, which is great exercise, and search the net for tips on growing and what to grow. You can greatly supplement your diet with items you grow yourself even if you have just a small parcel of land to work with. If you have a large one you can grow all you need for yourself and your family (this is very time consuming however).

Avoid Buying Vet Food

Unless your dog/cat or whatever is put on a specialized diet by your vet for serious health concerns, avoid picking up food products from your vets office. You can usually find the same items for much less at your local pet superstores. Don't believe us, do some comparison shopping online.

Feed the Animals... together.

The very fist date I ever took my wife on we decided to go to a park. The park was next to a bayou in Louisiana. We took the time to feed the ducks in the area together. It was a great time to discuss our view of animals, wildlife, etc... as well as share some quality time together next to nature.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Buy in Bulk

Check a PetSmart or PetCo or whatever pet superstores you have in your area for deals on bulk cat/dog/hamster food. You know you'll need it anyway so why not buy in bulk and get some savings doing it? You can also find some nicely priced items such as toys, collars, etc... if you shop around.

Take Them for a Walk

Have a dog? A good, cheap way to have some companionship is to take them for a walk. Let them explore the world and make sure you obey any local leash laws. Of course, if they can be trusted to return, let them run around a bit outside. Your pets love it and it is great exercise.

Pampering for Zero Dollars

Give your significant other something that just can't be topped, a good massage. If you know he/she has been on her feet all day give them a good foot massage at the end of the day. Also, a good romantic gesture is a nice back massage.

Eat Some Whey

Looking for a good dietary additive that's high in protien? Buy some whey. You can put these into your health shakes and a 10 lbs bag of the stuff is only about 65 dollars. This may seem like a lot but if you use it every day this should still last you about 3 to 4 months.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Single Long Stem Red Rose

Giving your wife or girlfriend roses does not require breaking the bank! Sure, having a dozen long stem red roses delivered might put a sparkle in her eye, but try sneaking in a single long stem red rose, and place it on her pillow, with a simple note that says "Thank you for being YOU, thank you for all that you are to me, I love you". I can almost guarantee that sparkle in her eye, will turn to passionate fire! ;)

A dozen red roses are 'nice', but a single red rose, with the perfect note, in the perfect spot is pure romance!

General Advice

Some general advice when you're looking for cheap, healthy alternatives. A good healthy diet will always have:

* Protein in it to build muscle, repair tissue, etc.
* Fat should have a balance of omega 3, 6, and 9.
* Veggies of all types, especially the green, leafy ones.
* Fruits are full of vitamins and "healthy" sugars.
* Water. D'uh. :)
* Whole grain foods, such as bread, pasta, etc...

Water, the cheap way.

Tap water. You've heard so much about it and may not like it. However, compare it to a bottled water and you'll see the price difference awfully quick. You should think about switching to tap water. If you don't like the taste, believe it or not it's usually just a simple case of not having adapted to it yet. Drink enough times and you won't even notice anymore. Studies have shown that most tap water is as safe to drink as bottled water (check reports in your area).

Also, check out where your bottled water does come from if you do decide to stick with it. There are a whole lot of them that come from... you guessed it, the tap!

Grab a Can of Tuna

Tuna fish is cheap to buy canned plus it has the added benefit of being an excellent source of protein. There are some great healthy tuna fish recipes out there (check the food section here, maybe?). My only problem with tuna is basically our over-fishing of our oceans. Yep, I'm a "greeny". Check the Green Living portion of this site to find out more.

Eat some Eggs

We've all heard the old eggs and cholesterol myth. Yes, I did say "myth" because that's what it is. Eggs are actually pretty healthy for you as long as you don't fry them in 10 pounds of butter :). Of course, the easiest way to get the cheapest eggs is to buy your own chicken. That's another post in another area, though.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Check out the Local Farmer's Market

If you have one of these in your neighborhood they're great places to visit. Take your whole family, you'd be surprised at how much the kids will enjoy this. If you buy your produce locally you'll leave a smaller carbon footprint (the amount of carbon dioxide created doing something) since the produce doesn't have to be shipped great distances. A plus is you're also supporting the local economy!

Change Your Driving Style

If you stop braking and accelerating rapidly, you can lower your gas mileage by about 7% around town and about 35% driving on the freeway. Also, remember that the speed limits are there not only for your safety but to help conserve gasoline, and thus money at the same time!

Back Pain and Sciatica

Learning to live with back pain the past 8 years, trying to do what ever necessary to AVOID surgery, I am always on the lookout for a miracle "cure".

Of course I know there is not a miracle cure but I have found something that comes pretty darn close!

The Healthy Back Institute

Great free info and videos. If you decide to try any of their programs and you have a high speed internet connection, I highly recommend their online program.

Laundry Tip

When washing and drying your clothing, make sure you are using full loads if at all possible. Remember, you not only save on soap but on water and electricity also. In the long run, keeping full loads will save you more money then doing a bunch of smaller ones.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Recycled Art

When living green, what we buy is just as important as how much we are spending/saving.

So lets say you are looking for some new art. Instead of heading to your nearest department store, head on over to, and check out Cat Bishop's amazing Recycled Art! Her original one of a kind designs are created using recycled vintage items, such as clocks, cameras, toys, name it!

What an incredible way to live green with art!


A good, easy to grow crop is zucchini. Plant some and you will not be disappointed at the yield (it makes PLENTY!). Since you'll probably have more than you can use at the time, a good idea is to dice the zucchini into about cup sized amounts. Take those, place them in a small freezer bag and store them. Whenever you need an extra ingredient for your soups or stir fry you won't be sorry.


If you're buying a new appliance, look for the ENERGY STAR label. Products who earn this label have to pass strict government standards of energy usage. Normally, buying an ENERGY STAR brand appliance will ensure that you'll save money in the long run even if you might pay a little more now.